Academy Fight Song.

In a speech before graduates of the Air Force Academy, Dubya compares the war on terror to WWII. And, a day after being called out by Dana Milbank for his straw men, Bush is at it again: “Some who call themselves realists question whether the spread of democracy in the Middle East should be any concern of ours.” Is that really the central argument being made by those dubious of our foray into Iraq? I don’t think so.

One thought on “Academy Fight Song.”

  1. What is he going to say to a class of (future) military officers…”We’re occupying Iraq to further our economic and strategic goals?” Unless you’re a total dove, you’ll have to agree that we, if we are to function in any sort of international capacity, need armed forces capable of performing. Calling our forces in the “war on terror” an occupying force, a tool of the oil companies, is just not going to cut it– it’s bad for morale.

    Soldiers need to believe that they’re engaged in a just struggle; the Macedonians knew it, the Athenians knew it, the Romans definitely knew it, and now we’re living it. Dying for democracy is a popular theme, cf the D-Day services for plenty of references. Dying for Shell, not so much.

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