Abe Lincoln of Minas Tirith.

Uh oh…At E3, Firaxis starts talking up Civilization 4, offering both screenshots and a preview to the IGN gang. The game’s a complete redesign from the ground up, including new culture, religion, tech-tree, government, and battling systems (and you don’t have to sit through the AI’s unit moves anymore.) If this game is even half the gamer-crack that any of the previous Civs are, my productivity around here is going to be in deep, deep trouble come 4Q 2005.

One thought on “Abe Lincoln of Minas Tirith.”

  1. OMG. I am so glad I’m not in school right now. Now how can I keep my Ph.D. student wife from hearing that Civ 4 is on the way? Well, I’m sure there will be a delay with the Mac version. Perhaps that will save the day.

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