“A Princess Among Men.”

“I always saw the possibilities there. She has the most wonderful technique: strong jumps, beautiful turns, lovely line. There’s something very honest about Gillian, and she’s so smart. You can feed in the information and she processes it all for herself. She doesn’t look like someone trying to be anyone else.” The LA Times‘s Susan Reiter profiles my sister Gill for the Sunday edition, which I took the liberty of reposting at her official site. “Having had her eyes unwaveringly on the prize since she was 11, Murphy brings a healthy sense of perspective and clarity to what being a dancer means. ‘The first time I put pointe shoes on, I was certain. I’ve been on a mission, in terms of wanting to dance and to be the best dancer I can be. At a certain point in a dancer’s career, it becomes a mission to look out for the art form as well, to concern yourself with the present and future of ballet.'”
(Pointed out by The Late Adopter.)