
Hmm. Ok, as you can see, things look slightly different at the moment. I’ve been trying to update to Movable Type 4.0, and, while trying to get the individual entry pages to update, it seems I’ve gone ahead and switched back to the default style. That’s recommended anyway, but things might look funky around here for a few days while I get everything working again (and try to figure out how to get my individual entry pages to appear.) Bear with me…and hope I don’t permanently break anything.

Update: Well, shoot. I think I broke it. Individual entry pages used to be listed by number. Now they’re listed by name. So that means every entry that links to another entry is now riddled with “Page Not Found” errors. This is not good.

Update 2: Ok, that problem is fixed. I had to read up on archive mapping and then navigate my way around this bug, but that seemed to do the trick. Now, to start playing with the look around here. Sigh…MT 4.0 better be something else, ’cause right now I’m feeling like Gob Bluth…I’ve made a huge mistake.

Update 3: Ok, MT 4.0, autosave be damned, just ate the In the Valley of Elah review I’d been working on for the past hour. And, when it comes to fixing the templates, cutting and pasting is absolutely afflicted. I’m really starting to hate this “upgrade.”

8 thoughts on “4.D’oh!”

  1. John Scalzi got so fed up with MT4 I think he’s going to migrate to something else entirely. Fwiw.

    I’m going to switch over to WP probably – one of these days real soon now…

  2. The funny thing is that your RSS feed came up with *25* new posts, and I thought that you must’ve gone nuts or something! (Really there were only like 4. Must be upgrade-related.)

  3. Sigh…thanks for the head’s up, Kris. Sounds like another problem that needs fixing. (Also, fwiw, I went nuts some time ago — I just didn’t post about it. :p)

  4. It’s very weird to see this blah default template in place of those fun rotating headers! Like Kris, I saw the RSS feed go crazy too, and I was wondering wth was going on up there in NY.

    Give me a call if you think I can help with anything. I’m running WP myself, but I’ve been doing a lot of .php coding lately…

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