Dispatch from Paradise.

Hello all…I’m entering my third and final week of my Kauai vacation, so updates here will continue to be intermittent for at least another ten days or so. There has been much swimming, hiking, snorkeling, windsurfing, and rejoicing over here, as you might expect (As per usual, though, my Gaelic complexion has resisted any and all attempts at procuring a tan.) I’ve also been derelict in taking pictures, but hopefully I’ll have a few to post some time after my return. ‘Til then, mahalo for continuing to stop by, even though I haven’t been posting much worthwhile.

Forgotten Loot(ers).

Warriors, come out and play…With help from Columbia’s own KJ, David Greenberg attempts to explain the lack of NYC looters during the blackout, particularly as compared to the events of 1977. Also, in blackout news, the Dems (Edwards excepted) point the finger at Dubya’s lousy energy and infrastructure policies. Works for me.

Cross your Fingers.

Despite the 2.6 million jobs lost during his tenure, Dubya declares his tax cut was the “absolute right course of action” for restoring the economy. I guess we’ll see…expect the Bushies to latch on to every moderately decent economic indicator in the next eighteen months as being directly related to the Dubya tax debacle. By the way, do you get the sense Karl told Dubya to use the phrase “tough decision”?

Magic Numbers.

A 40-page House report (prepared by Henry Waxman) finds that the Bush Administration consistently misuses science data to buttress their political goals. But what can you really expect from a President who believes “the jury’s still out” on evolution?