Blind Justice.

The newest trailer for Daredevil is now online and, while it’s better than the last one, it still doesn’t quite work for me. Michael Clarke Duncan and Colin Farrell seem like they’re going to have fun chewing the scenery, and Jennifer Garner is obviously easy on the eyes, but Ben Affleck still seems grossly miscast in the lead. Matt Damon would probably have worked better, and Guy Pearce would have been dream casting. Ah, well, there’s still Ang Lee’s The Hulk.

Wormholes and Timelords.

As I mentioned earlier, the first of the last eleven episodes of Farscape begin tonight at 8pm on the Sci-Fi channel. This might be your last chance to pick up on one of the great sci-fi TV shows (Here’s a primer for new viewers.) And, from one great sci-fi TV show to another, Tomb of Horrors links to this BBC fellow prank-calling Tom Baker in the guise of the fourth Doctor…Baker comes off as remarkably good-humored about the whole thing.

Do whatcha like.

Checks and balances? Bah, humbug. Like the legislative branch on the matter of Iraq, the judiciary has now also capitulated to the chief executive, allowing Dubya to detain American citizens at will in the name of fighting terrorism. Oh, heck, let’s bring back torture too while we’re at it.

Fighting Mad.

Emboldened by Dubya’s dividend fiasco, the Dems get ready to fight back against the White House on both the dividend tax plan and the renomination of Pickering. I’m surprised Dubya endangered passage of the rest of his program by shoving Pickering down the Senate’s throat again. But, nothing fails like success, it seems…and the dauphin must get what he wants.

Redneck Justice.

I’ve meant to link to this horrifying Tennessee state trooper incident for the past few days, but every time I read it I am filled with a fearsome rage. They shot the dog?!? Those frelling chumps…I’m not normally of an eye-for-an-eye persuasion, but that pathetic redneck excuse for an officer should really have to suffer for this, and I don’t mean monetarily. This guy’s gotta do some time. Grrrr…

And the tap goes drip drip drip…

Break out the black turtleneck – it’s the return of mope rock! The Strokes be damned – Here‘s a derivative trend I can get into. And, strangely enough, I’ve had Joy Division in the CD player all week…who knew I was catching the zeitgeist? At any rate, hopefully some of these new acts can erase the bad memory of those fools Orgy butchering “Blue Monday.