Walking-Around Money.

Oh great. NOW they start paying political appointees huge bonuses, despite both the recent raise freeze and impending job cuts for career government workers. Where was the love when I was at the FCC? Oh, that’s right – the Clinton administration didn’t indulge in this type of ridiculous cronyism. But nest-feathering patronage remains alive and well under Andy Card, just as it did ten years ago.

Freedom of Disinformation.

Also courtesy of Looka, John Ashcroft is encouraging Justice Department lawyers to evade — or break — the Freedom of Information Act whenever possible. How frighteningly typical of our Attorney General…you gotta wonder at this point if he dresses up like Judge Dredd when nobody’s looking.

Kerry steps out.

Democratic hopeful John Kerry bashes Dubya’s tax plan, and makes the case for payroll tax cuts instead. Nice move…payroll tax reduction isn’t only smart policy, it puts the GOP in an unhappy position – explaining why they’re suddenly against tax cuts that help average Americans at the expense of corporations.