Requiem for Rorschach.

Darren Aronofsky on The Watchmen?! Ooh, that’s a great directing pick. One would think Aronofsky would give Alan Moore’s magnum opus a much more faithful treatment than Hollywood delivered with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or even From Hell. But, given Aronofsky’s track record on Ronin, Batman: Year One, and The Fountain, I’m not going to start holding my breath quite yet.

Nite Moves.

AICN claims John Cusack is cast as the Nite-Owl in the hopefully forthcoming Watchmen. Cusack is a quality actor that I’m glad to see attached to this project. But as the Nite-Owl? Isn’t he a bit young and skinny? The Nite-Owl really should be played by an older actor, or by someone who’s gone a bit more to seed. Tom Hulce?