Florida Redux.

The disturbing fact is that a repetition of the problems of 2000 now seems likely, even as many other nations are conducting elections that are internationally certified to be transparent, honest and fair.” Former President Jimmy Carter calls out Florida officials for negligence in implementing voter reform and for transparent bias. “A fumbling attempt has been made recently to disqualify 22,000 African Americans (likely Democrats), but only 61 Hispanics (likely Republicans), as alleged felons.”

Expats Against Bush.

‘This is a completely partisan thing,’ one Defense Department voting official told Salon. The official, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of being fired, is one of the many people in the department assigned to help both uniformed military personnel as well as American civilians register to vote.’” For reasons that seem politically-motivated – and at the very least require much more explanation from the higher-ups who made the call, the DoD has blocked non-military access to the Federal Voting Assistant Program. (Those overseas voters needing access to the forms can get them here.) Particularly once you factor in the Omega fiasco as well, Rummy’s sure getting his ducks in a row over at the Defense of Dubya Dept, isn’t he? (Also seen at Expats Against Bush.)

To Steal Votes for Dubya, press 1.

The system’s key vulnerability is that county election workers or others with access to the machines could type in a two-digit code and create a second set of results that would then be forwarded to the state as the county’s official tally, said Bev Harris, one of the activists who filed the case.” The State of California joins a lawsuit against Diebold Election Systems, the voting machine maker whose chief executive declared in 2003 that he is “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.” Now, doesn’t that seem like a strange Easter Egg to include in your voting machine? Between this and the Omega-DoD fiasco, the GOP endgame is starting to sound shady.

Take a Bullet, Get no Ballot.

By way of Looka and the NY Times editorial page, the Defense Department is trying to deny soldiers the secret ballot, and guess who they’re giving the votes to? “Omega Technologies is not an acceptable choice to run the program. Its chief executive, Patricia Williams, has donated $6,600 in this election cycle to the National Republican Congressional Committee, and serves on the committee’s Business Advisory Council. And while everything about the conduct of elections should be open to public scrutiny, Omega is far too secretive.