Back-Talk and Over-feeding.

In keeping with the design and functionality around here being a good two or three years behind the curve, I’ve gone ahead and enabled Trackback and tried to fix up the RSS feeds (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0). Please let me know if I broke anything. (Also, if there’s a quick way to allow trackbacks on all the old posts without going through and doing it manually, that’d be helpful to know too.)

You’ll never spam in this town again.

Well, much as it was fun to delete hundreds of poker, weight loss, and prescription-drug-related comment spam every day, I’ve gone ahead and (very belatedly) installed MT-Blacklist. Hopefully, it shouldn’t affect the few of you out there who do leave actual comments here…but if so, please tell me.

Five for Fighting.

Ghost in the Machine is five years old today. Well, what a long, strange trip it’s been…I must say, I don’t think I ever envisioned this lasting half a decade when I began back in 1999, particularly when I’ve never been able to keep a journal-journal for longer than a year or so. And to be honest, I had been considering taking a hiatus of late…Even before the election, I’d been feeling thin and stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread, and since then — as with many of you, I’m sure — my frame of mind can get quite Boromir-ish at times. But, that being said, blogging’s in my blood at this point, and the onset of Dubya II seems a particularly terrible time to put the keyboard down. Besides, how else am I going to find an outlet for my political antipathies and terminal fanboyisms? So y’all are just going to have to deal with a nervier, punchier GitM in the weeks, months, and years to come…five years down, and here’s to many more.

Technical Difficulties.

Well, between Tenet’s resignation and Reagan’s end, my cable modem picked an eventful few days to give up on me. More to come next week, after the Time Warner technicians have ascertained and corrected the problem.


So, as most of y’all probably know by now, there was a great hullaballoo in the Blog Nation today over the release of MT 3.0, and specifically over Movable Type’s decision to start charging for various premium packages. Since GitM is just a one-user, one-blog operation, I still qualified for the free download, so I personally can’t complain. At any rate, we’re running 3.0 around these parts now, so if everything suddenly disappears, you’ll know why. To be honest, I’m such a low-level user anyway that I haven’t as yet noticed much difference from 2.62. The new comments-editing page seems geared to quick and easy mass deletions, which should alleviate the spam situation. I also haven’t enabled the TypeKey comment registration quite yet, but may begin playing with it in the next few days.