Harvey Returns?

Has Moya been rescued from oblivion? IGN reports that a 4-hour Farscape miniseries is in the works to tie up the loose ends left in the wake of Season 4. The Save Farscape headquarters has heard nothing, but there might be news at this weekend’s Comicon in San Diego, ground zero for the fanboyverse. (Speaking of which, I found one of the favorite multi-part stories of my comic book days, the Teen Titans Trigon Saga, in graphic novel format at Barnes and Noble today. A happy surprise.)

We’re So Frelling Screwed.

With only three episodes left before its untimely cancellation, Harvey returned to Farscape Friday night in “We’re So Screwed: Part I: Fetal Attraction.” Sigh…a la Twin Peaks, the “best science-fiction show on TV” (TV Guide) is now clearly building up to a huge cliffhanger which will never get resolved. So, just because I haven’t said it here recently, I still really hope Sci-Fi suffers heavy karmic retribution for their decision to renege on their 2-year deal with Farscape, beginning with lousy ratings for Children of Dune (which I probably would have watched had it not been for Farscape‘s cancellation – and yes, if you tuned in to Taken, you’re part of the problem) and ending with the demise of the network. A show that replaces ‘Scape with schlock like John Edward, the Dream Team, and Tremors: The Series has no business being patronized by the fanboy/fangirl nation.

Wormholes and Timelords.

As I mentioned earlier, the first of the last eleven episodes of Farscape begin tonight at 8pm on the Sci-Fi channel. This might be your last chance to pick up on one of the great sci-fi TV shows (Here’s a primer for new viewers.) And, from one great sci-fi TV show to another, Tomb of Horrors links to this BBC fellow prank-calling Tom Baker in the guise of the fourth Doctor…Baker comes off as remarkably good-humored about the whole thing.

We are Farscape.

Although the initial flurry of activity may have dimmed considerably, the quest to save Farscape continues across the fanboy/fangirl nation. Next week, this fan produced ad will start appearing in 24 major media markets…it looks a bit rough but hopefully will spark some media coverage. Meanwhile, here in NYC I’ve taken to postering all the bus ads for Sci-Fi’s upcoming Taken around campus with BOYCOTT SCI-FI signs. Somebody keeps ripping them down, but hey…it adds structure to my walks with Berkeley.

Just to stay on message here…

SAVE FARSCAPE! Send letters, e-mails, calls, and general consternation the way of the Sci-Fi Channel (and their corporate sponsor) for not living up to their genre billing. Who knows which letter or e-mail will put us over the top? Update: My sister-in-law Lotta, who’s been on the front-lines of the Save Farscape movement since last Friday, gets her e-mail read on CNN. You go, girl.