Gallifrey Needs Little People.

By way of Quiddity, the BBC’s Dr. Who revival runs into trouble trying to cast actors of diminuitive stature — they’re all busy being Oompa Loompas and Gringotts goblins for Willy Wonka and Harry Potter IV respectively. Somewhere, Jack Purvis is smiling.

Ask Prosser about head.

BBC airs some behind-the-scenes footage from Hitchhiker’s Guide, which includes our first looks at Arthur (Martin Freeman), Ford (Mos Def), Trillian (Zooey Deschanel), and a big-hair Zaphod (Sam Rockwell)…They all look good, although I was thrown by Zaphod’s lack of second head (Apparently, it’s in his nose…yeah, I don’t get it either.)

Avon Lives.

The original blueprint for Farscape, Blake’s 7 returns with a flash-intensive site and news of a possible mini-series. “As was the intention of the late Terry Nation, only Paul Darrow who played the character Avon will reprise his role, acting as a catalyst for a Rebellion Reborn. It is fair to say that all the original characters are dead and there are no plans for their resurrection.” Sure seemed like Avon died in the last episode twenty-two years ago, but I suppose he could’ve had a backup plan.

Wormholes and Timelords.

As I mentioned earlier, the first of the last eleven episodes of Farscape begin tonight at 8pm on the Sci-Fi channel. This might be your last chance to pick up on one of the great sci-fi TV shows (Here’s a primer for new viewers.) And, from one great sci-fi TV show to another, Tomb of Horrors links to this BBC fellow prank-calling Tom Baker in the guise of the fourth Doctor…Baker comes off as remarkably good-humored about the whole thing.