What up, dawg (and elbow relations)?

‘There are no black ovals running around out there and yet they all had the same word for black oval,’ Slobodchikoff said.” Two worthy links on language by way of elsewhere: Do You Feel Loved points the way to this fascinating story on the language of prairie dogs — Apparently, the little critters have words for all kinds of things, and, even more strangely, they all independently come up with the same word when confronted with a new object. And, secondly, The Naked Tree has unearthed this 19th century language primer, which may perchance be exceeding convenient should you need to exercise your demency upon ragamuffins, buckskins, pettifoggers, or even the occasional hooplehead.

The Berk Knight.

Gratuitious dog-blogging: Somewhere amid the blur of final papers, blue books, christmas schmoozing, prospectus revising, and freelance projects that have filled up the past week or so, my visiting brother finally managed to get Berkeley to sit still in the Batman costume I bought him a few years ago long enough for me to take a picture. Please, nobody call the ASPCA.

Boy, Dog, and Boy’s Dog.

Yesterday’s anniversary made it occur to me that it’s been ages since we’ve had any gratuitous Berkeley pics around here. So, without further ado, here’s me trying to get Berk to pose next to the Boy and Dog Tom Otterness sculpture gracing my street corner (along with Fallen Dreamer) until this weekend. As you can see, there were more interesting goings-on elsewhere…

How the West Was Lost.

“The last sanctuary of the West Douglas wild horse herd is a desolate, forbidding place, which is just how the horses like it…Now, even this refuge may soon be lost. The U.S. Interior Department, which has leased 93 percent of the horses’ preserve to energy companies, recently unveiled plans for evicting the entire herd. Under the proposal, the animals will be rounded up using nets and tranquilizer darts and then hauled away for adoption. The reason cited: Wild horses are incompatible with the region’s intensive gas production.” As seen in the NYT ten days ago, the Post checks out Dubya’s terrible environmental record, with specific attention to the West, which is being cut, drained, mined, and refined away in order to secure extra energy profits for Dubya’s corporate cronies. The party of TR? Not bloody likely.