Elves and Agents.

Still no word on when the trailer arrives (I had assumed New Line would’ve used it to prop up Dumb and Dumberer‘s opening weekend, and the next high-profile studio project isn’t until Freddy Vs. Jason on August 15), but some minor RotK news has leaked out recently involving Agent Smith at the Pelennor Fields. Very minor spoilers for non-trilogy readers. Update: Speaking of agents, Dark Horizons is reporting that the Wachowskis will write a V for Vendetta screenplay. Interesting…although I think I’d rather see their King Conan project with John Milius go through first.

That was naughty.

The new trailer for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is now online. Given how well X2 turned out, my money’s now on this one to be the big Tomb Raider-esque stinker of the 2003 summer. It’s a pity…I like Stephen Norrington (Blade was solid B-movie fun), but this project had Terry Gilliam or Tim Burton written all over it.