Get Your War On.

We’re clearly going to war, we’re giving all the old folks prescription drugs, we’re eliminating AIDS in Africa, and American taxpayers won’t have to pay a red cent. Anybody notice a problem? Dubya’s State of the Union promised a lot, including dividend goodies for the rich and flaming death to Saddam, but it didn’t say much about the actual State of the Union. At any rate, I was impressed with the AIDS initiative (although I’d be more impressed if he wasn’t getting advice from cranks like these), but otherwise didn’t think much of Dubya’s speech. I also doubt he changed anyone’s mind about the Iraq situation, but perhaps Secretary Powell’s speech next week will prove more fruitful. (Thacker link via Julian’s Jabberings.)

The Complicated American.

What the World Thinks of America, from Gary Kamiya of Salon (premium). A fascinating read.

Woohoo!…mmm, ugh.

Senegal upsets France in the opening morning of the World Cup and New Jersey defeated Boston in the NBA…Nevertheless, for all the early underdog wins, the Lakers victory kinda took the edge off the evening (and the Avalanche…what happened to them?) Ah, well – Sacramento still has the floor in Game 7. All I know is getting up at 7am for the Cup opener was rough. And tomorrow’s game is at 5…