Ready for his Close-Up?

Evoking John McCain, John Kerry begins his own pre-campaign interview cycle with Primary Colors author Joe Klein. I ran into an old Dem friend from the DC days at a birthday party last week, and she told me that Kerry might have some serious baggage yet to come to light heading into this election. For the sake of the Dems, let’s hope that’s not the case.

Decisions, Decisions.

In his most recent flurry of anti-Bush rhetoric, Gore declares he’ll decide by the New Year whether he’s running in 2004. Little wonder that Gore’s increased profile of late is causing DC Dem insiders (and Dukakis to boot) to start whispering John Kerry’s name more often.

Second Banana…and a Dark Horse.

Second verse, same as the first. Time profiles the “new Gore”, the man whom, if the polls are right, seems preordained to be the Democratic candidate in 2004. But, lurking in the shadows is another possible Dem contender, General Wesley Clark. Hmm…curious. I suspect Clark and Kerry would split the war vote in the primary, sending Gore through again anyway. But I’m curious to hear more from him.