Revolving Door Redux.

A new report by the House Committee on Government Reform finds that Casino Jack and his associates billed the White House for 485 visits, ten of which were with Karl Rove. The White House says he’s lying, but really now: 485 sounds closer to the mark than two.

The bagmen feel neglected.

In related news, as the battle for control of the House tightens, the GOP’s K-Street cronies find they’ve been put on hold to make way for terror terror terror schtick. “This bottleneck has disappointed and angered organizations that have worked closely with the GOP and have won many legislative benefits. Oil and gas producers, for instance, had high hopes of adding to their legislative gains the opening of drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf.

Ney Guilty? Aye.

“Sen. Conrad Burns gazed at a debate audience and asked if anyone could guess who was blocking efforts in Washington to control health-care costs. ‘Abramoff?’ shouted a heckler.” Taking a look at the Montana Senate Race, the Post argues that the Casino Jack scandals still aren’t making much of a dent in the midterm elections. Nevertheless, the case continues to play out in official Washington: After agreeing to plead guilty last Friday to corruption charges stemming from the Abramoff investigation, the GOP’s Bob Ney — recently the recipient of a Republican standing O for his flouting of the law — is forced to give up his House chairmanships. Ney hasn’t given up his seat yet, but either way, he’s out in November.


“‘The environment for the majority party is extremely bad,’ says political scientist David Rohde of Duke University. ‘There’s certainly plenty of time for things to be shaken up … (but) it would take something really huge” to turn around GOP fortunes.'” Don’t count your chickens, but, with nine weeks to go before Election 2006, the Republicans are still floundering, as more and more GOP seats enter into play and a House takeover by the Dems looks increasingly likely. Thanks, Dubya!

Catch the Wave.

“So is now the time to conclude that a Democratic wave is building that will sweep Republicans out of a House majority in November? The answer, according to Charlie Cook and Stu Rothenberg, is a guarded yes.” The WP‘s Chris Cillizza surveys the trends in several recent polls and finds that the likelihood of strong gains for Democrats this November is building to crescendo.

Dubya Who?

“All these guys are trying to seem like reasonable, moderate guys who are not the scary conservatives who their opponents will make them out to be…But they all have very conservative records and support for the president that will make it difficult for them to duck this.” As November looms closer, the WP finds GOP candidates running scared from Dubya.

Jack’s Dates with Dubya.

Can Congress solve the Abramoff-Dubya riddle where Judicial Watch failed? Let’s hope so. The House Government Reform Committee subpoenas Casino Jack’s former law firm for information regarding his White House visits.

They Shall Overcome.

“‘I gave blood,’ Mr. Lewis said, his voice rising, as he stood alongside photographs of the clash. ‘Some of my colleagues gave their very lives.'” Publicly embarrassed by their recent lapse into old-school “massive resistance,” (and no doubt chagrined by their dismal poll numbers), the House GOP get their act together enough to pass the Voting Rights Act extension 390-33, after giving fringe right-wingers the chance to vote up or down on a few poison-pill amendments. (All failed, thanks to the Dems.) Still, several southern conservatives are not appeased: “One of the 33 holdouts was Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-N.C.). ‘Some politicians in Washington wouldn’t dare vote against this bill because they’d be lambasted by the media and liberal interest groups.’

The PartyPoker’s Over?

With the bill’s foremost opponent — “Casino Jack” Abramoff — now sidelined in disgrace, the House votes 317-93 to crack down on Internet gambling. “The biggest losers could be the estimated 23 million Americans who play poker over the Internet. ‘This bill would needlessly make outlaws of the millions of adult Americans who enjoy online poker, and is the latest example of how our representatives in Congress are ignoring real issues facing our country,’ warned the grass-roots Poker Players Alliance, in an alert to its more than 25,000 members.

Minimum humanity…

Forced to capitulate somewhat on the estate tax in the House, the Republicans nevertheless illustrated anew their grotesque economic priorities in the Senate by voting down a raise in the minimum wage (Still at $5.15, it hasn’t been raised in nine years.) “Just last week, the House rejected an effort to block a $3,300 annual increase in the base salary for a member of Congress. If the raise goes through, rank-and-file members will earn $168,500 — a $31,600 increase since the last minimum-wage increase was enacted in 1997.