Majority Report.

Saw Minority Report over the weekend and quite enjoyed it, although [Spoilers:] the last twenty minutes or so almost completely derailed the film (a la the Saving Private Ryan bookends.) Then again, I liked it better once I read the AICN talkback hypothesis that, as in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil, everything that happens after Anderton is “halo’ed” is his dream sequence, as foreshadowed by creepy-as-all-git-out Tim Blake Nelson’s soliloquy to that effect. Since that’s the exact scene after which the film began to smell, I much prefer this alternative. At any rate, I’m going to have to view it again to see if it holds up. I hope so.

It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.

After a decade of rumors and half-starts, Harrison Ford will finally don the fedora again for Indy 4, with Spielberg directing and Frank Darabont writing (from a story by, um, George Lucas). The movie’s currently due July 2005, a month after Episode III.