Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.

:The vista I see now is changing. Uncertainty is suffocating. Our hope has never felt so great…” It’s become fashionable of late to hate on R.E.M.’s last album, 2004’s Around the Sun, so much so that even the band has been badmouthing it lately, dismissing it as a result of them not really getting along at the time. Well, they’d know better than me, but I won’t go there. Sun is clearly overproduced at times but I still think it has its grace moments, all the more so because it’s an album drenched in melancholy and compromise. (And I still like it better than Reveal, and even the back half of New Adventures in Hi-Fi, their last venture with original and much-missed drummer Bill Berry.)

That being said, Accelerate, which officially came out yesterday, is no Around the Sun. It’s just as political as AoS — in some ways, Accelerate is their most overtly political album since Document. But, now, Stipe, Mills, and Buck have gotten the band back together. And, imbued with that sense of team confidence, they’re picking up the pace and taking no more prisoners. The end result is short, fast, and dirty, a half-hour-long album which (as one of my colleagues in US history, southern upbringing, and R.E.M. fandom noted yesterday) probably most recalls 1986’s Life’s Rich Pageant.

From the first track, “Living Well is the Best Revenge,” the difference is manifest. In Around the Sun, R.E.M. were just as political, but much more tentative and unsure of themselves. Remember all the relationship anguish of Sun? Well, now the men from Athens have the wind at their backs. “All your sad and lost apostles hum my name and flare their nostrils, choking on the bones you toss to them. Well I’m not one to sit and spin, ’cause living well’s the best revenge. Baby, I am calling you on that.” The equally aggressive second-track, “Man-Sized Wreath” (i.e. a huge, ridiculous emotional ploy and substitute for thought) takes up the standard with enthusiasm: “Nature abhors a vacuum but what’s between your ears?” That heady sense of being not only on the right side of the argument but — at long last — on the right side of history persists throughout Accelerate and keeps it afloat. “Mr. Richards” jauntily takes glee in a Cheney-esque figure (or at least one of Dubya’s Dicks) finally receiving his comeuppance and going to prison for his transgressions, and “Horse to Water” is equally mad as hell and won’t take it anymore. (“I’m not that easy, I am not your horse to water. I hold my breath, I come around.“) And even the slight downers, such as the beautiful and too-brief post-Katrina ballad “Houston” (“If the storm doesn’t kill me, the government will“) still mostly resonate with hope of change to come: “It’s a new day today, and the coffee is strong. I finally got some rest.” (By the way, as a note to the R.E.M. fans out there, I love how that fog-horn sound in “Houston” calls back to “Leave” and particularly “Undertow” from Hi-Fi, which in retrospect also seem rather Katrina-esque.)

On the Peter Buck end, Accelerate interpolates and reconfigures the jingly-jangly riffs of Life’s Rich Pageant with the (much-underappreciated) sonic grunge of Monster, and I can’t wait to hear these cuts live. Still, Accelerate‘s secret weapon is probably bassist Mike Mills, who brings back the harmonizing of Out of Time and earlier albums, and single-handedly elevates tracks like “Living Well” and “Sing for the Submarine.” Speaking of the latter, “Sing for the Submarine” is, for the time being, my high point of Accelerate, a dense, moody track that hearkens back to much of the R.E.M. canon. (“Electron Blue” and “Feeling Gravity’s Pull” are explicitly name-dropped.) I haven’t come close to unpacking it yet: “It’s all a lot less frightening than you would have had it be. But that’s the good news, my darling, it is what it’s going to be.” But I’m definitely enjoying the attempt, and I love the Pink Floydish power-chords as the song builds to chorus. (If negativity is required, I could honestly take or leave the first single, “Supernatural Superserious,” — it’s a lot like “Imitation of Life” on Reveal — and I tend to skip over it. And “Until the Day is Done,” the sole mid-tempo ballad here, is less interesting than most of AoS. But neither are deal-killers.)

So, the short answer is this: if you thought R.E.M. has lost a few steps lately and have thus skipped the past few albums, then the reviews for Accelerate are true: They’re back in a big way, and you should definitely check this one out. And if you’ve stuck with ’em all the way, then you’ll be pleased to discover that they’re on the same page as many of us this election year: To wit, after eight years (and arguably more) in the mire, it’s nigh time we progressive-minded lefties started kicking ass and taking names. “Don’t turn your talking points on me, History will set me free. The future’s ours and you don’t even read the footnote now!

End of an Era.

A personal plug: Also out in stores this week, my fourth collaboration with Democratic pundit Bill Press (1, 2, 3): Trainwreck: The End of the Conservative Revolution (and not a moment too soon). If you couldn’t guess from the title, it basically argues that, just as the New Deal era lasted from 1932-1968, the Age of Conservatism that began in ’64 with Goldwater, hit its stride in the 70’s and 80’s, and gave us the likes of Reagan, Gingrich, and, of course, Dubya, has now hit the proverbial, inevitable, historical brick wall. So let’s survey the wreckage: On one hand, from Katrina to Abramoff and Ed Meese to Alberto Gonzales, right-wing attempts at governance over the past thirty years have usually degenerated into dismal experiments in cronyism and/or incompetence. On the other, conservatism has strayed so far from its ideological roots in the Reagan and particularly Dubya eras that the likes of Robert Taft, Russell Kirk, and William F. Buckley would never even recognize it. (Case in point, the Ron Paul candidacy, wherein a traditional Taft conservative ended up being treated by his esteemed Republican contemporaries in every debate as either a fringe joke or a terrorist-sympathizing dupe.) Either way, the right-wing ascendancy is over, and it’s our time again now (and, though it’s not reflected in this tome, I think y’all know who I’d prefer to be carrying our progressive standard into battle in 2009 and beyond…)

Hoosier Hearts and Minds. | March Money.

“‘I read his national security and foreign policy speeches, and he comes across to me as pragmatic, visionary and tough. He impresses me as a person who wants to use all the tools of presidential power.‘” The good news from Indiana: Sen. Obama picked up the endorsment of Lee Hamilton, formerly an Indiana rep and one of the co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission. (Obama has also continued to out-raise Sen Clinton, although the official numbers aren’t yet known.) The bad news from Indiana: A new poll puts Clinton up there by nine, 52% to 43%. Wins in both Indiana and North Carolina on May 6 remain Obama’s best chance to put this away before mid-June, so keep your fingers crossed.

Update: More on the fundraising numbers: Sen. Obama’s campaign raised over $40 millions in March. “The campaign, which did not release an exact total, said more than 218,000 donors contributed to the campaign for the first time, and the average contribution was $96.” Sen. Clinton’s campaign, meanwhile, raised only half that.

Heeeeeere’s Donnie.

In more Indiana related news, it seems to be official: Word is the Knicks will announce Donnie Walsh as the new team president later today, meaning, at long last, the beginning of the end for the Isiah era. Given the depths of our current situation, I’m still not sold at all on the notion that Walsh can turn things around for the Knickerbockers by next season. But, since the most involving Knick-related activity around of late has been toying with David Lee’s hair, I’d think pretty much anything he does would be a step in the right direction.