…Wake up with fleas.

What does $340,000 a month buy you? Treason. Ahmed Chalabi, until very recently the Neocons’ favorite Iraqi, apparently tipped off Iran that we’d broken their codes. “U.S. intelligence officials two weeks ago had told CNN that Chalabi, a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, gave intelligence secrets to Iran so closely held in the U.S. government that only ‘a handful’ of senior officials knew them.” So…which of the Bushies was it? Between this and the Plame affair, the Bush administration has now displayed a pattern of disregarding and betraying our intelligence community.

Running Scared.

Well, it’s a well-run campaign, midget’n broom’n whatnot. The Washington Post scrutinizes the Bush campaign’s continued resort to misleading attacks and outright lies when discussing Kerry’s record. And, in related news, Dana Milbank (one of the co-writers of the article above), surveys Dubya’s penchant for bashing straw men. “Bush is obviously not the first politician to paint his opponents’ positions in absurd terms…But Bush has been more active than most in creating phantom opponents…[and]There seems to be no end to the crazy positions the straw men take.

That Woman? Not hardly.

By way of Value Judgment, Alexandra Polier — the woman whom Drudge et al earlier claimed had an affair with John Kerry — digs into the unsavory origins of her own non-story. The first half of the article is basically a recap of her situation and her actual connection to Kerry, but the second half — when she begins interrogating the journalists who breathlessly created this media scandal out of whole cloth — is quite interesting.