Trailer Day.

A veritable plethora of fanboy/girl trailers have hit the web in the past few days. For one, “The Second Renaissance,” the first episode of the Animatrix, has been posted. It’s probably better than almost all of T3. Also, AICN points the way to an extended Hulk trailer and our first look at The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (The site’s down a lot, but you might get lucky…I did.) The latter looks a bit disappointing, but my hopes for LXG are at Daredevil levels right now anyway (although DD is actually getting surprisingly good reviews.) Update: The LXG trailer is now available here.


I have much more to say about the fate of STS-107, but I think I’ll wait until I have enough time to do the topic justice. But I will say this now: I am going to get very aggravated if the world does engage in a full-scale retreat from space because of what happened Saturday morning. Such a decision is not only tremendously short-sighted, but also makes a mockery of all the hopes nurtured and risks faced by Astronauts Anderson, Brown, Chawla, Clark, Husband, McCool, and Ramon. They deserve better, as do we all.

Crack of Doom.

TORN.Net has the first spy report about what might be included in the 4-minute ROTK preview which will presumably be added to TTT at the end of March. MASSIVE spoilers for non-trilogy readers (I’m not sure I want to see the last scene mentioned until I see the full movie.) Also, if you don’t like the casting in the first two films, here’s some wallpapers to indulge you.