Mormon Justice.

Scott Layden and the Knicks throw the book at Sprewell for failure to disclose his yacht party punch. Put simply, Layden is a moron. The worst thing you could do right now is separate Spree and the rest of the team. Plus, broken hand or no, Spree works hard. If you want to start throwing around exorbitant fines, why not charge holy-rollin’ model citizen Allan Houston a quarter-mil for constantly disappearing in the clutch?

Carville on Stark.

Here’s something else I meant to blog last week and forgot – my old boss is looking to produce a remake of All the King’s Men (It’s below the Hitchens stuff.) I know Carville has some connections with Milos Forman due to his cameoing in The People vs. Larry Flynt…I wonder if he could entice him to direct. At any rate, if this goes down, I may just have to finagle a way to get involved in some capacity, or at least visit the set.

Clipped Left Wing.

Bloggers of the Left, Unite! (Via LinkMachineGo.) As Lake Effect has noted before, I’m positive Lefty bloggers aren’t the rare breed the author thinks they are – a quick browsing through the portal will lead you to dozens of well-written progressive and liberal blogs (Ethel the Blog, Tomb of Horrors and Monkeyfist, for example, to name three off the top of my head.) In fact, I’d hazard to say that the majority of blogs are probably of a lefty bent. Unfortunately for balanced discourse, though, Sullivan and Reynolds both seem to have captivated huge (by blog-standard) audiences almost right from the start. I’d be lying if I didn’t find their immediate popularity considerably annoying, but oh well…that’s just sour grapes. After several years of writing this blog, I’ve found its best not to dwell on the (lack of) readership…Therein lies madness.

Don’t call it a comeback.

After Bradley and others turn the position down, retired 78-year-old Senator Frank Lautenberg gets the Torricelli slot. Considering the court battle, the internecine Democratic feuding, and Lautenberg’s resounding mediocrity, I’d say the GOP have just picked up a seat. Hopefully the Dems can make it up elsewhere.