The Matrix: Revealed.

What is Richard Corliss thinking? In a spoiler-filled article that’s more synopsis than review, TIME gives away the ending to Reloaded. I haven’t read the entire piece (since I’d rather not know), but scanned enough of it to see Corliss was breaking the plot down point-by-point. I expect this lame behavior in fanboy chatrooms, but in TIME? A bad call and a bad precedent…I hope the magazine – and Corliss – catch some flak for this.

7 thoughts on “The Matrix: Revealed.

  1. If you didn’t read the whole article, how do you know he gave away the ending?

    Furthermore, how do you know he gave away the ending unless you know how the movie ends?

    If I gave you a scene by scene description of The Phantom Menace and the last thing I told you about was Anakin winning the podrace, would I be giving away the ending?

  2. Hey Kev …

    Who cares what an “anonymous idiot” thinks? You’ve made the point: stay away from ALL Matrix:Reloaded spoilers if you want to enjoy the movie to its fullest. Hell, we lasted this long. It’s now only 10 days away. I’ll wait!

  3. Well, Idiot, I know Corliss gave away the ending because people who DO know the ending (for example, the AICN gang) says he did. I wouldn’t have posted if I didn’t know what I was talking about.

  4. I don’t understand those AICN people (whose site I dislike rather intensely). They seem obsessed with nothing other than finding out spoilers and the endings of movies before the movies get released. Me, I don’t want to know — I want the movie to unfold all by itself, so I can be, like, surprised.

  5. He did have a warning explaining that he was going to spoil it before he actually spoiled the facts. So its not that he wasn’t thinking, its the fact that you JUST scanned it and didn’t actually read what he said. Oh and in today’s society I would expect anyone who wants readers will do whatever it takes and if spoiling movies is what it takes people, including major magazines, will do it.

  6. I can’t understand how you can post something as st**id as that! You should have not picked up the magazine and decided on reading it after you watch the movie. Common sense is the key to happiness……..

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