Take yon candle from yon oven…

By way of Supercres, the new trailer for (Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Clark Gregg’s version of Chuck Palahniuk’s Choke is now online, starring Sam Rockwell, Kelly McDonald, Anjelica Huston, and Brad Henke. Palahniuk’s books tend to run together after awhile, but I did get a kick out of the Colonial Williamsburg conceit in this one. If I remember rightly, Rockwell should spend a good bit of time in the stocks.

Taking Fight Club Down a Notch.

Salon‘s Laura Miller lays the hurt on Chuck Palahniuk. I’ll concede that his books all have the same (over-stylized) voice and can get repetitive and tiresome after awhile, but I don’t think he’s as bad as all that…more like trashy pleasure reading for the misanthropically-inclined. I’ll take him over most light fiction any day of the week…In fact, I just picked up Lullaby for the flight home.