Love and Death in New Orleans.

“It is not comforting to realize that, in the wake of Katrina, bloated bodies are floating on those streets today. But to speak of New Orleans’s resilience is simply to cite its history — a demographic and cultural melting pot of German industry and French and Spanish elitism, of Irish gregariousness and Sicilian emotionalism, of African exuberance and American frontier cussedness that embraces death, too, as a part of life.” By way of Mystery of the Vampire, an eloquent paean to the Crescent City by long-time resident Ken Ringle.

One thought on “Love and Death in New Orleans.”

  1. Also in the history of New Orleans, is the surrounding areas which are known as “Cancer Ally” for the toxic chemicals that are stored then in mass. Now, there is no safe place for residents to go with the toxic cocktail swirling around in the streets. The extent of environmental and chemical contamination is alarming and we must urge Congress to take steps to prevent this from ever happening again. Please take a minute to tell your Representative and Senator to act to prevent further tragedy:

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