Dog Woof, Cats Meow, Wags Tweet.

Hey all. As we approach the decade mark next month, the readership around here at GitM continues to dwindle, which is primarily my fault for not updating as much as I’d like. Nonetheless, if and when it gets quiet ’round here, I encourage you to also check out my Twitter feed, which is easier to update in the midst of more frantic weeks like last one. (Memo to myself: Columbus Day, and three-day-weekends in general, will mean a lot of speechifyin’ in Congress’ home districts.)

Yeah, I was skeptical about Twitter earlier in the year, but I’m definitely coming around. Within an hour of news of President Obama’s Nobel prize win, for example, (which I’m neither here nor there about — it seems goofy, yeah, but I was already down on Nobel anyway), there were dozens of wry and amusing quips going around the twitterverse. My favorite two were variations on “Obama, I’mma let you finish but Bono has been working his ass off for this!” and “Uh…did the Nobel committee just miss the fact that Obama bombed the f**king moon?!”

Another good example: the Baucus committee tanking the public option in late September brought on a similar flurry of bon mots: “Senators should be required to make the little cash register ‘ka-ching!” noise when they vote.” “Well the insurance Industry is looking forward to its Baucanalian Orgy.” “75% of Americans support #publicoption, but only 35% of the Senate Finance Cmittee support it.” “Health care industry must pay capital gains on Senate Finance Committee members this year as investment is cashed out.” Etc., etc.

Its immediate posting benefits aside, Twitter has definitely grown on me as a fertile hothouse environment for exactly this sort of choice, top-shelf snark.

5 thoughts on “Dog Woof, Cats Meow, Wags Tweet.”

  1. I’m pretty sure I can, Ted. I’ll look into it.

    That being said, there was some earlier talk among my Twitter-Facebook dual friends that crossing the streams is a no-no.

    Liam, HoboDarkseid is funnier if you’re a comic book nerd, but I think the humor probably translates.

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