Dark Have Been His Dreams Of Late.

“I’m the Doctor. I’ve lived for over 2000 years. I’ve made many mistakes, and it’s about time that I did something about that.” You like soccer? You know what else is (a) awesome and (b) frightfully British? Doctor Who, whose full-length Season 8 trailer aired across the pond during halftime of the World Cup Final.

Can’t wait! Even if us Yanks have ruined the phrase “into darkness for the time being, y’all had me at Capaldi. I really hope he and Moffat, et al follow through on the darker Doctor they’ve hinted at. The kids have grown up — no more Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. I’d say it’s time for some proper adult Doctoring, in the manner of old.

2 thoughts on “Dark Have Been His Dreams Of Late.”

  1. Ha! Yeah, I’ve been trying to procure Local Hero from Netflix for much the same reason, but, surprisingly, they seem to don’t carry it, even on DVD.

    (I also didn’t know, at the time it passed through my queue a few weeks ago, that Capaldi was Malkovich’s right-hand-man in Dangerous Liaisons.)

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