You People are Crazy!

“It’s something that’s been bothering me for quite some time, the direction in which the party has been going more and more toward big government and disregard toward privacy and civil liberties.” Staunch conservative, defender of civil liberties, and Borat cameo Bob Barr leaves the Republican Party (for the Libertarians.) Now if only Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe would follow his example…

2 thoughts on “You People are Crazy!”

  1. What makes you think Olympia Snowe is in any way a defender of civil liberties or privacy rights?

    This is what the Brunswick (Maine) Times Record in an Oct. 27, 2006 editorial, had this to say about Olympia Snowe: “she has voted to strengthen the president’s power, thereby weakening the role of Congress. Specifically, through her support of the Iraq resolution that gave President Bush virtually a blank check to wage war, and the Military Commissions Act that suspends the right of habeas corpus for anyone deemed an ‘enemy combatant.’ Also, she is co-sponsoring the Terrorist Surveillance Act (S2455). Not yet passed, this bill would make the Bush administration’s secret, warrantless, domestic wiretapping program legal after the fact. It seems to us a pre-emptive strike to put the matter to rest before there’s been a successful investigation into the National Security Agency program…[Snowe] has enabled his [Bush’s] agenda in ways that are detrimental to a free people. When defending the U.S. Constitution, moderation can become capitulation.”

    Warrantless wiretapping, denial of habeas corpus rights, letting George Bush determine what constitutes torture?

    Despite her so-called pro-choice credentials, Olympia Snowe voted for Judge Alito, who has an action plan to dismantle Roe v. Wade — government invasion of our privacy.

    According to Congressional Quarterly, Snowe abided by, and voted with, the Bush Administration agenda 82 percent of the time in his first term in office.

    Olympia Snowe a true right-wing Republican, in keeping with the swing in that party toward denial of civil liberties and privacy rights that you are concerned about.

    Please get your facts straight.

    Jean Hay Bright
    Dixmont Maine

  2. Thanks for writing. I wasn’t trying to argue that Collins and Snowe are civil libertarians — only that they’re usually more moderate than the GOP mainstream, and that we’d all be better off if the Republican bloc in the Senate were a smaller entity. But clearly Snowe, like Collins, Chafee, and other GOP “moderates,” tend to play ball with Dubya more often than not.

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