Wrestle and Trek.

Mickey Rourke signs on to play The Wrestler for Darren Aronofsky, set to begin shooting this January. (He replaces Nicolas Cage in the role.) And, more casting on the Star Trek reboot front: Bruce Greenwood is Capt. Christopher Pike, Winona Ryder is Spock’s mother, Amanda Grayson, and House‘s Jennifer Morrison and P2‘s Rachel Nichols are in too, possibly as Yeoman Rand and/or Nurse Chapel. Well, ok then. Update: Another Trek addition: Clifton Collins Jr. of Capote will play Big Bad Eric Bana’s #2.

2 thoughts on “Wrestle and Trek.”

  1. What’s that line from Barton Fink?

    “I have dabbled in the wrassling picture…”

    I used to have it memorized because I wanted to use it in casual conversation, but the chances for it to spring up were few and far between.

  2. Heh. Nicely done. 🙂 (You may have noticed the Raising Arizona quote that closes the actual entry…I use that in casual conversation quite a bit.)

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