The Pieces are Moving.

“The congressional watchdog remains fast asleep, and we intend to wake him up.” As Catkiller Frist and the GOP threaten to go nuclear on the filibuster tip, Senate Dems announce they’ll be holding oversight hearings into matters such as “defense contract abuses” over the coming year. Well, at the very least, this news from our side of the aisle sounds more promising than Harry Reid’s recent thumbs up for Scalia.

2 thoughts on “The Pieces are Moving.”

  1. The “hearings” have no subpoena power, no government officials will attend, and they will amount to nothing but some liberal whining about the evils of Bush. Democrats don’t seem to understand that you win some, and you LOSE some. When you LOSE, you try to figure out why, and how you can change things so that next time you win. Whine fests like this just make you look bad, and make us Republicans happy.

  2. Whine fest, eh? Funny…during the Clinton years, Dan Burton & the GOP called it constitutionally-mandated congressional oversight. Times change, I guess.

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