The Talented Ms. Ripley.

Also caught the director’s cut of Alien this past week. The film hasn’t changed much, but after all, why should it? It did look and sound great (especially in the digital theater I was in.) Check it out – once you get past the A v. P trailer, you’ll be in for a scary good time.

Mother, do you think they’ll drop the bomb?

IGN gets an exclusive trailer for what will undoubtedly be the scariest movie in theaters this Halloween – the Alien Director’s Cut. Apparently, the famous Brett & Dallas in the nest scene has been re-added (despite it contradicting the xenoform life cycle of the later films.) Either way, from the Nostromo’s sMothering AI to Ash spewing milk all over the place to Kane’s “unwanted pregnancy,” twenty years later Alien is still scary – and subversive – as hell.