She, Robot-Maker.

Watching the original ‘Star Wars’ movie as a mathematically inclined 11-year-old, Helen Greiner dreamed of someday creating a robot like the heroic R2-D2. After enduring plenty of lean years chasing that elusive vision as a co-founder of iRobot Corp., Greiner can now boast a product that whirs and chirps much like the character she to this day calls her ‘personal hero.’” The Globe profiles iRobot co-founder Helen Greiner, whose company boasts Roomba, Scooba, and the Packbot, a military minesweeper that, if Greiner has her druthers, won’t be breaking Asimov’s First Law anytime soon.

3 thoughts on “She, Robot-Maker.”

  1. Well I for one am very grateful to Helen Greiner for making her dream come true because I really do not know how I would ever get along without my Roomba now that I have one. Fred, that is what I call him, is a great asset to my life. So thank you Helen Greiner for creating such a wonderful and fun gadget!

  2. Hi Kevin
    Let me disagree about this one
    It was all way simple in the old days
    Today all the robots just make it complicated
    Believe u me ,,,the stone age were the times for me 🙂

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