Regime Change.

Rolling Stone writer William Greider thinks the Dems need to get rid of Daschle and Gephardt. I always liked Daschle – in fact, of the current (admittedly lame) crop of Democratic presidential contenders he and John Kerry were my top two choices. But after the Majority Leader’s capitulation on the Iraq resolution, I’ve definitely soured on him. [As I’ve noted many times here, however you feel about the (all-too-)suddenly all-consuming issue of Iraq, it is Congress’s job to declare war, not the President’s.] As for Gephardt, he’s been trying for too hard, too long. Somebody should’ve told him years ago that, in the media age, a man without eyebrows will never be President. At any rate, I think Greider’s point here is essentially sound — The Democratic leadership needs to stop imagining themselves in higher offices and start drawing lines in the sand.

One thought on “Regime Change.”

  1. Agreed….I remember the partisan days of Byrd Vs. Dole, or even Mitchell (however reserved he was) vs. Dole in which they didn’t concede an inch of congressional ground to each other. It was beautiful. One can only wonder what would have happened had Dodd, back a few years ago, would have had just one more vote needed to make him majority leader. Then he would be up there now. As for the big “G”, old democrats are old news. Good for the democrats in the house, “G” said he is out if the dems don’t gain back control and he will focus on ’04 election. LOL, Daschle reminds me too much of the “pappy” image Bush #1 had. We need a new face, a new fighter, we need John Edwards.

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