Jana’ata Says.

The Fountain may have run dry for him, but it seems Brad Pitt has procured the rights to another heady sci-fi epic, a film version of Mary Doria Russell’s The Sparrow. ” He’s definitely not who I pictured as Father Sandoz, but if it’s true that “Pitt has a longtime interest in the project” than I’ll be curious to see where he goes with it.

2 thoughts on “Jana’ata Says.”

  1. I just can’t see Pitt as Father Sandoz. Yes we know he can act if he tries (I loved him in both 12 Monkeys and Fight Club), but I really don’t think he fits for this role. That said, I hope this turns out well – I really want to see a great movie based on a great book.

  2. Yeah, I’m not feeling it either…He’s too young and untroubled. But, maybe he’ll pull his Ocean’s crew to help fill out the cast.

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