One thought on “In the Company of Pagans.”

  1. Brushing aside the fact that the original “Wicker Man” was a movie that really didn’t need to be remade … I’m concerned by the presence of a few names amongst the list of seven executive producers named on the IMDB listing.

    Boaz Davidson, Danny Dimbort and Avi Lerner are all names I remember from my paying-my-dues days at Cannon Films, Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus’ schlock factory of the 1980s. This is not encouraging, as it would be difficult to come up with a single movie they were involved with that was any good. Kinda the anti-Midas touch. (Gotta love Boaz’ most recent credit, though, as having written the story for that modern-day classic, “Mansquito”!)

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