Ends and Means.

Well, I must admit, the fall of Saddam’s regime occurred much more quickly than I had ever expected. (Ten bucks says the Iraqi cabal card decks are all over Ebay in six months.) But, as Michael Kinsley notes, our victory doesn’t answer the tough questions about why we got involved in the first place. And while the images of liberation coming out of Baghdad right now are undeniably stirring, my doubts about this conflict – and the amateurish diplomacy that preceded it – remain…and particularly if Gulf War II spills over into Syria or Iran.

One thought on “Ends and Means.”

  1. I agree completely. This war ended much quicker than I thought, but from the beginning it was never the war I was worried about. It’s like the Dallas Cowboys playing a high school team. But if it was that simple I may have supported a war with better justification form the onset. Instead, we got a weak justification for war, a preemptive strike, and now a mess that no one knows what to do with. Oh that’s right, we’re going to exactly what we did in Afghanistan, overthrow a regime, forget about it, and move on to the next country who dares go against our wishes. Has a president ever declared war four times in his first term in office?

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